Sunday, June 1, 2008

Never, Never, Never Give Up

I don't know what it is about writing that makes us want to give up on it so easily.

I guess for me it's that life is busy and full, but writing takes time and solitude.

And then there's always the critique, the rejections, the subjective judgments of my work. Leanna Ellis once told me, "It occurred to me the other day that I don't go to my friends' or families' work places to see what they're doing and what kind of work they've produced. But when they read my books, that's what they're doing."

Yep, we writers have to have the guts of a Spartan warrior, the heart of a Greek poet, and the determination of a little bulldog of a man like Winston Churchill.

My friend, novelist Jodi Thomas, is an inspiration to me. She's published nearly thirty books and been on the New York Times and USA Today Bestseller lists multiple times. She's won three RITA awards and been inducted into the Romance Writer's Hall of Fame. On her website she writes,

It surprises me sometimes when people come to visit and say, “Oh, you’re so lucky to be gifted. I wish I had such a talent.”

They have no idea. I’m not gifted at all, or lucky. I stumbled hundreds of times. For every award there are a dozen contests where I didn’t place. For every book that sees daylight, there are at least four drafts still hiding in the dark.

Like Jodi, for whatever reason, I can't give up. Sometimes I wish I could.

But not really.

So, what keeps you writing?


Lavonda Pflug said...

What keeps me writing? There is not near enough inspirations in my life! I don't write as much as I'd like or as much as I should. But the #1 thing is that I feel like that is what God created me to do. #2 reason--I love doing it, and #3, I guess I'm just a know-it-all and I think the whole world is just dying to know what I have to say!! LOL! At least that's how it used to be. Seems these days I can't think of a thing to say. Guess I've been humbled a little along the way.

Me said...

Hi, Caron: As a writer wanna-be, I received much encouragement from your words to 'never, never, never give up', because how will I know if I never, never, never start? LOL! I'm testing my wings at my blog Stop by sometime and let me know how I'm doing! Thank you again, Marielle

Caron Guillo said...


Good for you, friend! Keep at it. :)
